Ukraine War: The moment of the KAB's "arrival" in the center of Kharkiv: a video has appeared

 In total, the enemy launched four UMPB D-30 projectiles from Belgorod at civilians.

The video captured the moment of the "arrival" of a guided aerial bomb in the center of Kharkiv,

In total, the enemy launched four UMPB D-30 projectiles from Belgorod at civilians.

As reported, Kharkiv was covered with guided aerial bombs three times today. At this moment, it is known about three dead and 41 injured people.

"Among the injured on Gagarin Avenue are two minor girls. 12 and 13 years old. One girl is in serious condition. Two more people died on the spot after being hit by a Russian KAB. A man was walking past the house and found himself in the epicenter of the explosion. The woman was at the trolleybus stop and also did not survive," Serhii Bolvinov, the head of the investigative department of the State Police in Kharkiv region, said.

We will remind, as a result of the Russian attack on Kharkiv on June 22, there is a fall into the area of ​​dense residential development.


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