Ukraine War: Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia Oblast kills 7, inlcuding 2 children, and injures 10

 Russian forces attacked the city of Vilniansk (Zaporizhzhia Oblast) on the evening of Saturday, 29 June, killing seven and injuring ten civilians.

Source: Ivan Fedorov, the Head of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram,

Quote from Fedorov: "The Russians attacked the city of Vilniansk in the Zaporizhzhia district.

Early reports indicate that six civilians were killed and eight injured.

A critical infrastructure facility, a shop, and several residential buildings were damaged."

Updated: Fedorov later said that the death toll has risen to seven, including two children.

A total of 10 civilians sustained injuries.

According to Fedorov, Russian forces launched a missile strike on Vilniansk "in the middle of the day on a weekend, in the city centre where there is no military infrastructure and where people were enjoying their weekend."


Russian forces struck a critical infrastructure facility in Zaporizhzhia Oblast on Saturday, 29 June.

Later the same day, an explosion occurred near the city of Zaporizhzhia.


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