Horoscope for Tuesday, October 29, 2024

 Moon Alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The moon is in Libra, chicago.suntimes.com.

The Stars Rate Your Day

★★★★★ Dynamic; ★★★★ Positive; ★★★ Average; ★★ So-so; ★ Difficult.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

★★★ Make an effort to listen to others. Be ready to compromise or go more than halfway because this is how your day will work best. Don’t be demanding. Be accommodating. Travel or make travel plans if possible because you want to have a change of scenery that’s exciting.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

★★★ Today you might have to put your emotional considerations second to those of someone else. Perhaps you have to help someone? You might have to perform a service for them? You’re not being a martyr — this is simply what’s happening. Look for ways to improve your health.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

★★★★ Your protective, nurturing instincts are stronger today, especially with kids; but you’ll also feel protective about romantic partners as well. Meanwhile, this is a lighthearted, playful day! Do something that makes you feel “with it.” You don’t want to be left behind.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

★★★ Home and family are your focus today, which is why you’ll be happy to relax at home among familiar surroundings. You might want to veg out. Or perhaps, you want to entertain. An important one-to-one conversation might take place with a family member.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

★★★★ This is the perfect day for a short trip. Or you might be busy with errands, appointments and conversations with siblings, relatives and neighbors. You want some gossip or information, or a chance to learn something new and interesting! “What’s the buzz, cuz?”

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

★★★ Today your cash flow and earnings or something to do with your belongings and assets will be a stronger focus. You might want to take care of something that you own by cleaning it or repairing it. You might also look for ways to boost your earnings. Tidy up loose ends.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

★★★★ For 2 1/2 days every month, the moon is in your sign. This is happening right now and it can make you more emotional. Stay cool. The good news is it can slightly improve your good luck, which means this is a good day to ask the universe for a favor. Try it. See what happens?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

★★★ By nature, you are private. Today in particular, you will protect your privacy because you feel the need to go off by yourself or work alone or behind the scenes. By no means is this a deprivation. Find someplace comfortable with good food and drink.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

★★★★ Your emotional contact with a friend might be important to you today. Perhaps you have to agree on a decision? Actually, this is a good day to share your hopes and dreams for the future with others because their feedback will help you. What are some of your goals?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

★★★ Your professional and business concerns are primary. However, today and tomorrow, personal details about your private life might be public to some. Be aware of this in case you have to do some damage control. (Check out the impression you create.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

★★★★ Today you have a strong urge to get away from it all. You want to break free from your daily routine and seek adventure! Obviously, travel would be the perfect choice. Nevertheless, you can also be a tourist in your own town. Check it out.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

★★★ Your emotional experiences will be more intense. You might have an intense discussion with someone or you will attract intense people to you. This could be because you’re discussing debt, insurance matters, inheritances or something that you share or divide with someone.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actress Winona Ryder (1971) shares your birthday. You are passionate and playful. However, family and loved ones are always important to you. This is a slower-paced year with a strong focus on partnerships and close friendships. Take time to rejuvenate yourself. Focus on people who are kind and beneficial to you.


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