3 Zodiac Signs Whose Lives Drastically Improve Starting On December 23

 Life is a series of u-turns and road blocks, but this time we are on the right path.

miadigital, PepeLaguarda | Canva Pro
miadigital, PepeLaguarda | Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs whose lives drastically improve starting on December 23, 2024, experience sudden changes that make things right. The Moon is aligned with Mercury, the results-oriented planet, and that works oh-so-well for three specific zodiac signs on this day, yourtango.com.

Astrologically, we're in the right place at the right time to overcome whatever prevents us from moving forward, and we have the drive and dedication to do so.

Many of us are now where the end of the year feels symbolic. We need to create certain endings of our own. Holding on to the past needs to be released. Just the act of holding on prevents us from healing.

And we are here, right now, to heal. When Mercury and the Moon work together, we break free from old heartaches and memories of the past. We know we have to overcome this, and we shall, we shall. It's time to say an official goodbye to the pain of heartache.

Three zodiac signs whose lives drastically improve starting on December 23, 2024:

1. Leo

Leo, the one thing you do not lack is self-esteem, and that is truly a fantastic trait. The only problem here is that because you believe in yourself, you tend only to see things from your point of view, and it's sometimes hard to accept when you are wrong.

Now, it's not that you're wrong; you're far from wrong, but what you are is stuck in the past idea that you had to have been right. OK, that's convoluted, so let's break it down so you can drastically improve your life. When the Moon is aligned with Mercury, you will see that the more time you spend thinking about that person, the more time you waste.

This is because, as you will realize on December 23 ... you were wrong about them. And that's OK. Nobody's perfect, especially regarding our judgment of other people. You've spent too much time feeling the heartache of that wrong move, and now Mercury helps you get past it.

2. Capricorn

When the Moon is aligned with Mercury, things in the world of Capricorn seem to come to a halt, which is a good thing. What you've been holding on to has seriously become a nuisance in your life, and so much of that is a result of memories that took place in the past.

You have held those memories dear to you for so long, but something started to happen, and you were not conscious of what was going on. Those memories started to define you, and you didn't allow yourself to grow.

You started to believe that letting go of the past was akin to betraying it, but that is not so, and it's Mercury's influence hastens the process of letting go. You have paid your dues, Capricorn, and you cannot change the past, so it's time to move on once and for all and make your life better than ever.

3. Pisces

You are no longer attached to the idea that the past is where the good times were had. You suddenly feel as though you're missing out on the present, and that's exactly where you live your life.

When the Moon is aligned with Mercury, you see this very clearly, waking you up, Pisces. You've been holding on to this idea that you'll never again have the same kind of fun as you once did, but that fun also leads to great heartache, and only now are you getting it; you have to let it go.

And the interesting thing about you, Pisces, is that you don't go back to not knowing once you know. You are not someone who consciously kids themselves; you won't be kidding yourself. You remove yourself from the heartache of the past. Done and done. Life improves dramatically, and you're ready for it.

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.


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