TikTok's famous Costco Guys test brisket sandwich at Texas 'cue spot

 Is Hurtado Barbecue's dish worth a boom? Many booms?

All kinds of celebrities love Texas barbecue and aren't afraid to show it. Just in the past year, legendary artist Janet Jackson, pop superstar Dua Lipa and billionaire Bill Gates have stepped into smokehouses and raved about their meals, chron.com.

The most recent pair to sink their teeth into some Texas 'cue is a social media sensation. The Costco Guys—father-and-son duo Andrew Befumo Jr. (A.J.) and Eric Befumo (Big Justice)—visited Hurtado Barbecue in Arlington to rate a chopped brisket sandwich on their "boom" meter, an experience captured by the smokehouse and posted on X.

For the uninitiated, the Befumos became social media stars with 2.4 million TikTok followers by posting videos about shopping at Costco. They've branded themselves "Costco Guys," and in a popular video from March, the father and son from Boca Raton, Fla., eat chicken bakes and cookies and goof around in a local Costco. Since, they've released songs, shown up in AEW wrestling pay-per-view events (A.J. wrestled back in the day, too) and have rated foods on the "boom" meter. As you'd imagine, the more booms, the better.

So there are A.J. and Big Justice getting ready to bite into the chopped brisket sandwich at Hurtado Barbecue. Someone preps the shot as A.J. gets into position, hovering over Big Justice and wearing his trademark black baseball cap. Big Justice, meanwhile, is wearing a hat and jersey as he had been participating in the World Power Showcase, a baseball event at Globe Life Field.

The duo proceed to take a bite each of a brisket sandwich, and Big Justice gives it five "booms." Makes sense given that Hurtado is one of Texas Monthly's Top 50 Texas BBQ Joints and considered arguably the top 'cue spot in Arlington. Hurtado also has locations in Fort Worth and Mansfield and has a counter at Globe Life, home of the Texas Rangers.

Since the Befumos are a social media phenomenon, they come with both adoration and backlash, something shown in the comments of Hurtado's X post. Hurtado responded to many of the negative comments, including telling one X user that the elder Befumo "was honestly super cool and chill in person" and "was making videos with anyone who asked."

Also, according to Hurtado Barbecue, the family paid for and ate "a huge platter."


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