Horoscope for Monday, 10/14/24 by Christopher Renstrom


Horoscope for Monday, 10/14/24 by Christopher Renstrom
Horoscope for Monday, 10/14/24 by Christopher Renstrom. Photo: sfgate.com

ARIES (March 19 - April 18): You can huff and puff all you like, but the other party still won't give you what you want.  Try some old-fashioned courtesy.  It works wonders, sfgate.com.

TAURUS (April 19 - May 19): Steer clear of a shake-up at work.  Colleagues will change sides many times before order is restored and you don't want to be caught in the crosscurrent.

GEMINI (May 20 - June 19): You may feel like you're going around in circles with a relationship, but that might be what it takes to end up in the right spot.

CANCER (June 20 - July 21): If you're considering moving or making substantial home improvements, then round costs up.  This way you'll avoid any rude awakenings.

LEO (July 22 - Aug. 21): Don't try to defend an indefensible position.  You're better off treating it like a joke and hoping the other party does the same.

VIRGO (Aug. 22 - Sept. 21): Your refusal to play along with the situation is getting people upset.  And it's just as well.  You're tired of enabling the dysfunction.

LIBRA (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21): Aggravations peak with Sun square Mars, but if you harness these dynamic energies then they'll work for you rather than against.

SCORPIO (Oct. 22 - Nov. 20): Count to ten before responding.  Today's Sun/Mars square is taking place in a tricky patch of sky and you could be overreacting to constructive criticism.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 21 - Dec. 20): Hold back.  If you're too giving then there's no incentive for the other party to pay you what you're worth.  Less is more.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19): It's clear you've outgrown a certain role and that something has to change.  But what?  Don't stress about figuring out the answer.  Ideas will soon come your way.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 17): You may not see the gains right now, but sign on for that project anyway.  You'll be glad that you got in at the ground floor.

PISCES (Feb. 18 - March 18): Careful planning and attention to details pays off.  Thank goodness!  This kind of sustained focus can be a real brain drain.


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