Astrologer Reveals The One Zodiac Sign Receiving A Financial 'Windfall' Before 2024 Ends

 The zodiac sign whose luck is about to change for the better!

Astrologer Reveals The One Zodiac Sign Receiving A Financial 'Windfall' Before 2024 Ends
Photo: Eugene Lisyuk | Design: YourTango

Everyone has been going through it lately. With prices consistently on the up-and-up and incomes seeming like they just can't keep up, nowadays, it feels like it's harder and harder to catch a break,

Though there are little ways to make the most of every penny you have, the idea of receiving a little extra income is always encouraging. And according to one astrology, for one zodiac sign, that may just become reality.

The zodiac sign receiving a financial 'windfall' before 2024 ends, according to an astrologer

Before we reach the end of the year, "There's one zodiac sign who's going to have a big windfall," astrologer Carol Starr revealed in a TikTok video. Whether this "windfall comes in the form of "an inheritance or just finding money on the street," she continued, Aries can expect abundance and great career prospects fairly soon.

One tarot reader that goes by the username @trevthegemini444 on TikTok had similar sentiments, stating that Aries' focus is shifting to educational and career endeavors.

He continued, "You've cut out of things bring you stress," and as a result, good fortune is heading Aries' way — as long as they don't rush results.

Aries should practice patience as their good fortune takes root.

With Aries' reputation for being the most impatient zodiac sign, waiting around for things to happen is not their strong suit. However, according to @trevthegemin444, that's exactly what they should do to make the most of this fortunate time.

He added that Aries might be feeling a bit too giddy, causing them to rush a decision during December.

"Or, you're sitting there and being slightly impatient over a financial decision coming in," he added.

However, patience is key as it'll allow Aries to make stronger decisions that the tarot reader insists will pay off.

"You will be drowning in money come December," he said.

According to the tarot reader, smart career moves are a likely source of Aries' financial windfall.

Pulling the Six of Swords tarot card, @trevthegemini444 predicted that Aries is moving on to better things in their career, which may include leaving a "dead-end" job. The King of Pentacles card emphasizes this sentiment. According to @trevthegemini444, "This is literally you, ascending to a higher and more richer state of being once you decide to cut out a job or a career choice that no longer serves you."

"Either way, you're gonna have money that you're gonna feel so giving," he continued. As a result, expect to feel blessed as "you're now able to give money when you want to give it."

If not giving, Aries will certainly be able to spend it however they want to.


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