There’s a new moon in Scorpio — time for a trustfall into the abyss


new moon in Scorpio

The new moon in Scorpio is a summons for shadow work.

It’s time to seek out your shadows and shake hands with your demons, folks — there’s a new moon shining in the sign of the scorpion,

The new moon in Scorpio peaks on Nov. 1 at 8:47 a.m. Eastern Time.

Scorpio is ruled by Mars, the planet of vitality, and Pluto, the luminary of death.

It is through the reconciliation of these extremes that Scorpio finds its ultimate power.

New moon in Scorpio

Scorpio lords over the eighth house of sex, endings, and resources — that condominium of the unconscious where things are felt but not seen.

The new moon in Scorpio insists that you dig deeper, to see in and through the dark — and step closer to the kind of honesty and intimacy that terrifies you the most.

A trustfall into the abyss, if you will.

New moon meaning

The new moon is a clean slate, turning over the fresh dirt of a month-long lunar cycle. The sky goes dark and we go deep, especially under the influence of Scorpio.

A new moon occurs when the moon is in conjunction with the sun — and thus is no longer visible from our earthly vantage. As such, the new moon always falls in the same zodiac sign that the sun is moving through.

The sun symbolizes the ego, the essential self, and our forward trajectory, while the moon represents our primal nature, need for nourishment, and subconscious urges.

In astrology, the sun symbolizes the ego, the essential self, and our forward trajectory — while the moon represents our primal nature, need for nourishment, and subconscious urges. When these two bodies align in sign, it’s an opportunity to assess and progress.

This week, that opportunity takes shape in the fixed waters of death-centric, obsession-prone Scorpio.

New moon manifestation

New moons are potent times for manifestation practices. Because this new moon falls in the threshold sign of death during the time of year when the proverbial veil between worlds is thinnest, it’s an excellent occasion to seek advice from ancestors and initiate a dialogue with the departed.

For tips on how to commune, see our guide here.

New moon in Scorpio 2024

During the new moon in Scorpio, the sign’s two planetary rulers, Mars and Pluto, will be locked in opposition at aneretic degrees, a tense AF aspect that brings fears, insecurities, base instincts, emo responses and power struggles to the forefront.

Tempers flare, daggers fly. Step closer to whatever it is that opposes you. Hold tight to your hilt, steady your sting, and try to see friction as kindling for intimacy rather than the matchstick for discord.

What is a shadow?

Scorpio is synonymous with shadows and shadow work.

To better understand the dark side, it’s helpful to define it. In essence, our shadows represent everything we’ve exiled — all the nasty bits, shameful urges, overwhelming emotions, intense experiences, and terrifying truths we have attempted to suppress and/or separate ourselves from.

But as any psychologist will tell you, shadows make for a very shallow grave, and there’s no better time to exhume and integrate than under the dark skies of a Scorpio new moon.

New moon in Scorpio meaning

Scorpio stands for the transformational power of trauma and the potential for our shadows to reveal a path toward the sunshine of actualization.

Spiritual types will tell you that every decision in life comes down to a choice between love and fear. Never are those stakes higher than when we deal with our shame, guilt, and avoidance.

It’s easy enough to point to shadowy qualities in ourselves — places where we are fearful, jealous, hateful, or cowardly. But there’s no use in peering into the dark if we don’t untangle why something was banished in the first place.

Transform through trauma

Part of that process can involve thanking these dark parts of ourselves for the part that they played in protecting us. We can acknowledge that service while explaining that we no longer require that particular rampart.

Ultimately, Scorpio is the sign of healing, shamanic work and rebirth. We can initiate ourselves into the art of healing by seeing our lives as blessed by the baptism of fire, which better equips us to hold space for others as they walk their own seasons in hell.

As astrologer, Jill Wintersteen brilliantly explains, “When we accept anger, it often becomes motivation or clarity. Fear can become surrender and trust. Anxiety or worry can lead to calmness or even excitement. Sadness can lead to creativity and self-acceptance. And emotional attachments can lead to gratitude and an ability to move forward.”

Fear as fuel

This energy of transformation is not about being fearless but resolved.

As double Scorpio Georgia O’Keeffe once confessed, “I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life, and I’ve never let it keep me from a single thing that I wanted to do.”

The themes and threads of the new moon apply to all of us, regardless of sun sign. Where and how this energy expresses itself is dependent upon the house within your individual birth chart that Scorpio rules.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.


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